
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Life Interpreter

We, the human beings have the tendency to interpret what we see, and experience through the emotions that are invoked by these different mediums. We are meaning making machines! The interpretations are based on out values, emotional states and in reality, As a result, there is an assumption that what we see is the way things are. Never do we question the accuracy of this information, we simply take it as fact .So, the way we perceive things has the power to shape how we think and act in the world.

When people tell stories this becomes evident. Tellers are doing their own interpretation of the story; listeners are doing their own interpretation of the interpretation of the teller.

Stories are the narrations of what the storyteller perceives as important information that lean towards the perception of the person who is conveying the story. Therefore, stories are embellished to make the mundane facts seem more interesting or and the horrid facts more palpable. As you take a closer look you will see that the power is in the emotions that are invoked in the stories and not the facts itself, therefore, making stories a very powerful means of communication because they have the power to influence us whether the information is factual or not.

Facts are sequential information that can stand the test of time. Whereas, stories are used to convey emotions and experiences; as the storyteller's emotional state vacillates so does the story they tell. Storytelling is a powerful and dangerous activity because tales we tell can mean whatever we make them to mean. We perceive the world though the lens of how we are and not as it is. This is not to say that we do not perceive the facts but it is to say that the facts are shaped to fit the stories we tell.


Mariana Soffer said...

Tener tan claro:
-que sabes tanto mas que los demas, te privas de que alguien te enseñe algo.
-que no temes problemas, ni siquiera te permite identificarlo y solucionarlo cuando aparece
-Se supone que la sabidura incluye el reconocimenito de que nadie es superior a nadie por completo y que siempre existen nuevos caminos por recorrer y cosas por aprender.

Me gustaria saber que queres decir con Que tenes buen gusto. Te dijo alguien, o te lo dijo tu maravilloso ego.

Lo que si te puedo decir es que me encanta tu nombre

Pancho Ramirez said...

te doy otro mensaje GOLOSA......bbbrrrr snakkk puuutuuusss plaffff taruvv en pocas palabras SE QUE ME ADORAN MAMUCHA

julio said...

y para donde te inclinas, psicologia cognitiva o constructivismo?

me surgio la duda con este escrito


mi otro yo said...

Hey Buenas

Y bueno acá estoy leyendote un poco y me resulta interesante lo que planteas en tus escritos.

Te dejo saludos